In the latest episode of “The Cosmic Salon,” hosted by Niish, a captivating and unconventional interview unfolds as Niish delves into the depths of the psychological realm with guest Jerry Marzinsky. Despite a momentary mix-up with Jerry’s surname at the beginning, the interview takes an intriguing turn, exploring topics ranging from psychology and social engineering to the nature of schizophrenia, demons, and energetic parasites.
Niish takes a deliberate departure from conventional interview scripts, steering the conversation into uncharted territory. She skillfully guides Jerry away from the familiar narrative, allowing for a fresh perspective on his work.
Key Themes Explored:
The interview touches on critical themes that challenge preconceived notions about psychology and its role in societal control. Jerry, drawing from his extensive background, shares insights into the subjugation of the realm through the psychological field, emphasizing its historical roots and its impact on individuals today.
From Lies to Demons:
The conversation unfolds seamlessly, covering a spectrum of topics including the deceptive nature of psychology, the propagation of lies, and the intriguing concept of demons. Niish skillfully navigates the dialogue, extracting profound perspectives from Jerry’s wealth of knowledge.
Energetic Parasites and Beyond:
As the interview progresses, Jerry sheds light on the existence of energetic parasites, a topic seldom explored in mainstream discussions. Listeners are invited to consider the unseen forces that may influence our thoughts and behaviors, challenging conventional paradigms and encouraging a deeper exploration of the mysteries surrounding the human psyche.
Connect with Jerry Marzinsky:
Visit Jerry’s website to delve deeper into his research and insights:
Community Engagement:
For those seeking more immersive experiences, Niish invites listeners to join her Patreon page, where weekly live-streams with guests and community chats await. The platform also offers artistic offerings, including meditations, active imagination work, and a unique Radio Alice mix-tape segment.
Explore the Unseen on the Forum:
Niish extends an invitation to join the new website’s forum, creating a space for like-minded individuals to engage in discussions and share experiences related to the intriguing topics explored in “The Cosmic Salon.”
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